Friday, May 16, 2008

An Entitled Attitude. Is It You?

Do you know someone with an entitled attitude? Is it you?

Have you ever felt like you were entitled to a promotion, a pay raise, or just acknowledgement for a job well done? What about when you did all the right things to get what you wanted and were let down anyway? Do you ever suffer from the disease called “I wanted it, but didn’t get it, so now I’m frustrated and miserable!”? (Long, yet descriptive name, huh?) Talk YOUR Story.

Lisa Ryan wants people to know that it IS ok to talk about deep needs and feelings and that we are NOT alone in our struggles with life. It’s also important to know that God’s amazing word, the Bible, is packed with practical information that can help your life become all God intends it to be. His plans for you are not only exciting, but designed to impact the world!

Turn on your radio to KGU Friday's at 2pm Hawaii Time or listen right from your desk to streaming live audio on the internet! Just go to, scroll to the bottom of the home page and click on Talk YOUR Story!

Call in to the studio and talk YOUR story with Dr. Ryan at (808) 296-5467.

We all need to stay humble so that we can keep learning – especially from God. On this program, sharing = giving. When you share YOUR story on the air, others find their own story in yours! Why not get some free honest feedback and encouragement while sharing your heart to benefit others. Propositions this good should not be passed up!

YOUR story counts!

May16th is the launch date of our new 1 hour format!
More time to TALK!
Don’t forget, 2:00pm, Hawaii Time.
(808) 296-5467

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