Friday, February 27, 2009

Life is Short

Eternal life is, needless to say, pretty long! Our days on this earth, however, are quite limited. We blink and we’re adults. We blink again and we are parents. Another blink, and we’re already at mid-life or old age. The Bible tells us that this life is but a breath or a mist. It passes quickly. During this walk of life, who do we need to love more? Do we appreciate that we may not have a tomorrow to make amends? Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways. ~Stephen Vincent BenĂ©t

Music for today's show:

A Mother’s Prayer By Melissa Manchester
Life is Short By Butterfly Boucher

Friday, February 20, 2009

Communicating to be Heard

When we really communicate, two (or more) people are involved. The other person must really hear and understand what we say in order for there to be true communication. Although we can’t control another’s response, we can do things to optimize the chances of getting a good one. A little self-control and forethought can go a long way toward producing a successful “meeting of the minds.” Even if we don’t get the response we are hoping for, we can sleep well knowing that we have done what we can, and done it well!

Music for today's show:

Talking in your sleep by The Romantics
Honesty by Billy Joel

Friday, February 13, 2009

Blessings Deferred

Did you ever find yourself wondering why something good happened for someone else, but not for you? Join the party; there’s a waiting line! This “party of wonderers”, however, is one party you’ll want to cut out on early. It doesn’t do much good to ponder these things unless there is something to observe, learn and put into personal use. Otherwise, it’s time to change our focus onto the areas that we do have a say about. This world isn’t fair – for anyone. We cannot observe someone else’s life and know it. Tune in today and find out how your reality plus God’s truth can combine to leave you in a state of peace and contentment.

Music for today's show:

Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman
All That Is In Me by Harvest

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pushing The mark

Rebellion against God’s guidance is not new to our generation. We have all ignored His voice and done our own thing in one way or another. Sometimes we persist until we are far down a dark road. Once we have created a legacy of great error, is there any way to a beautiful life? People do not have the power to redeem, but God does. Listen today to how “Kathy” was lifted by God’s grace out of life’s darkest hell. Hear about God’s endless mercy and His mighty power that can turn any life into a reflection of Him and His enduring love.

Music for today's show:

The River by Merideth Andrews
Warrior is a Child by Twyla Paris