Friday, August 29, 2008

The EASY Way Out

Wow! I love avoiding hard work, don’t you? The “easy” way of handling life is not always so easy in the long run. For the most part, the way God asks us to approach life is not easy – at least not easy to our human nature. God has an eternal view of life! Sometimes, we humans don’t consider much past the moment. This can lead to some serious mistakes. This is why we need to listen to the One who sees our future. This is why we need to be wary of “the Easy Way Out

Friday, August 22, 2008

Seeing Ourselves Clearly

Mirrors are a good place to leave ourselves notes. We all spend time looking in them. Who do you see? Is it the real you? We all wear rose colored glasses from time to time. At other times, our glasses get dirty and give us a distorted picture. Either way we are inaccurate in our assessment. It’s good to check up on ourselves from time to time. I don’t want to spend time focused on “A”, when “B” is the real hold up in my life. Getting out the Windex has big payoffs! Give us your input! Leave your comments.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The No Lose Apology

How good are you at apologizing? Most of us could use a brush up lesson or two! Even though we cannot control the response to our apology, we can make sure we deliver an excellent one. This week we’ll discuss the “must have” components of a great apology. When a loss is irreparable, genuine remorse is frequently accepted as the only available compensation. Make sure you maximize your fence mending potential and put your best apology forward.

Music for today's show:
Your Winter by Sister Hazel
Forgive Me by Rebecca St. James

Friday, August 8, 2008

Managing the Heat of Life

The bible tells us that weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Life can hurt. How do we navigate the painful times? Is there anything we can do to speed up arrival at “the morning?” Well, of course. God never leaves us helpless. How we navigate hard spots and the way we “set” our minds can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Music for today's show:
Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warrens
Smooth by Santana

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to “Plan” a Live Show

As some would say here in Hawaii, NO CAN!

We had a great show last week that was filled with calls! So… this week, the “plan” is still to talk about The Wish to Escape. We’ll see if we get to it. Maybe we will just fill the hour with our callers’ concerns du jour! That’s the vision God planted in my heart, anyway. So, no worries about interrupting “The Plan.” Your call is the priority today and every day.

Do you ever wish you could just “see daylight” in all of life’s difficulties? Wouldn’t it be convenient to just head for the hills sometimes! Unfortunately, we can’t run, or we would be missing the very environment that God uses to mature us. God, in his Word says we are refined by fire. That sounds daunting, but we are not called to walk through the fire alone. Life is an amazing adventure. With God, it is more than we will ever imagine. We are one people on one planet, all affecting one another in a profound way. We must hold ground and keep believing for divine outcomes!

Music for today's show:

The Morning After
By Maureen McGovern
When You Believe By Mariah Carey