Friday, May 23, 2008

Christians Who Judge Too Well & Love Too Little!

What? Can this ever happen? Yeah, afraid so! As Christians, we are God’s representatives on earth. His intent is that we attract people to Him NOT repel people with our less than inviting presence! Christian’s are to be known for their love. Let’s stop the judgments that repel and brush up on loving even the unlovely! If God can love us all the time, we can learn to be just like Him. THAT is our wonderful calling!!

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The following video is about the paintings of 13-year-old prodigy Akiane
(pronounced: AH-KEEAH-NUH).

"I have been blessed by God. And if I'm blessed,
there is one reason and one reason only, and
that is to help others."

About Akiane:
• An internationally recognized 13-year-old
prodigy, considered the only known child
binary genius, in both realist painting and poetry.
• Selected as 1 of 20 most accomplished visual artists in the world by Tribute Entertainment (London) and ABI (United States).
• A best selling author of two books "Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry" and "My Dream is Bigger than I - Memories of Tomorrow"

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