Friday, December 26, 2008

Standing in the Face of Tragedy

(re-broadcast of this amazing story)
God tells us in His word that “all things work for good for those who love him.” Is that really true? What about tragedy is good? Aren’t we just white washing something terrible when we look for a silver lining? Or, is there really a silver lining? Light does shine through the dark. Meet two powerful women on today's program. The sister of a mall shooter and the mother of one of the victims speak out together to tell how God has seen them through the last year and a half. They have chosen to STAND.

Music for today's show:

Show Me the Way by STYX

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mele Kalikimaka! (Merry Christmas!)

Dear Ohana & Friends,

Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a blessed New Year!

Chris and I are freezing on the mainland but basking in the warmth of God's Light and the love of good friends and family. We hope you are doing the same.

May all the blessings of the season be fully evident to you and yours.

Aloha ke Akua (God is Love),


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Forgiving the Unforgivable...

Author and speaker, Teri Werner joins us again today to talk HER story - a personal account of disillusionment and pain. What would it be like to be only weeks into a new marriage only to discover that the person you love has not been honest with you about who they are or how they live? What if from there, the picture became more and more dark and frightening? Can victory in life follow devastation like this? Listen to Teri give you keys to surviving and transcending the "unforgivable." With God, all things are possible!

Music for Today's Show:

Always by Atlantic Starr
I Will Survive By Gloria Gaynor

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stay Tuned...

Last Friday author and speaker, Teri Werner, visited Talk YOUR Story. We had a great visit about a time in Teri’s life when she trusted someone against her own better judgment. The result was tremendous loss on many levels. She will continue her story this Friday and tell you how, in the face of great betrayal and disillusionment, she turned train wreck circumstances into triumph in her life. Check out the youtube link to a great clip from the pilot of her upcoming television show. It’s an interview with Les Brown.

Click here Teri Werner

Aloha, Lisa!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Trusting the Wrong One

Did you ever find out that someone you trusted was not trustworthy? What happens inside of us when this happens? We must not judge someone else for what may be a brief period of failure. However, another’s failure to do what is right can sometimes deal us a crushing blow that can steal our joy – for even a whole lifetime, if we let it. Special guest, author and speaker Teri Werner, visits the program today to tell what happened to her when she trusted the wrong one.
Click here to listen to this show!
Changing Hearts in a Changing World with Host Teri Werner and her special guest, Leadership Icon, Les Brown on DVD! Les Brown's mantra "Get Out of your Head and Into Your Heart', and Teri's message of "At the Heart of Change, is a Change of Heart", created a synergy in the form of an exciting discussion; as Teri's leadership talk show pilot, "Changing Hearts in a Changing World".

Music For Today's Show:

The Gambler by Kenny Rogers
House Of Cards by Twyla Paris

Friday, December 5, 2008

Feeding the Dogs!

Do you have a black dog and a white dog living in your spirit. Well, it’s an analogy, but it works. Are you feeding the white dog? Do you feed them both? Read below the story of Two Wolves (Two Dogs).
Click here to listen to this show!

The Dark Wolf

Malik the White Wolf
International Wolf Center


One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes
on inside people. He said, "My son, The battle is between two 'wolves'
inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment Inferiority, lies, false pride,
superiority and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his
grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Unknown Author

Music for today's show:

Who Let The Dogs Out by Karaoke Allstars
Constant Provider by Larry Campbell & Friends

Friday, November 28, 2008

Don’t Miss…

...what a life dedicated to God offers. In this day and age, especially in America, words like sacrifice and obedience don’t really have a magnetic pull. They can even repel. Listen to the conclusion of David Cordeiro’s story of life transformation. Making sacrifices can be more than worth it! This is what so many of us miss. The blessings of walking with God far outweigh anything we can do for ourselves. Don’t miss the blessings intended for YOU.
Click here to listen to this show!

Music for today's show:

Gratitude by Nichole Nordeman
All That is in ME by Harvest

Monday, November 24, 2008

Spectacular Conjunction

Above: Venus and Jupiter converging over Hawaii on Nov. 19, 2008.
Photo credit and copyright: Stephen O'Meara. [Larger image beautiful! ]

Friday, November 21, 2008

Can Your Life be Better? Can it be Transformed?

If God can transform one person’s life, He can certainly transform yours. There is no such thing as being too old, too set in your ways or too faithless. Anyone can muster faith the size of a mustard seed. Today, special guest, David Cordeiro, minister at New Hope Christian Fellowship will continue his moving story . At an early age, David began with stealing candy with his friends. See how quickly a life can be sucked into drugs, crime and despair. Hear how powerfully God can heal. A life going south one day can be heaven bound the next. Do you believe God can work miracles in your life? How open to His powerful hand are you?
Click here to listen to this show!

Music for today's show:

Free Ride by The Edgar Winter Group
Amazing Grace by Lee Ann Rhimes

Friday, November 14, 2008


If you don’t think God can transform a life, then listen in today. Special guest, Pastor David Cordeiro, will share his moving story. A life going south one day can be heaven bound the next. God has the power to transform a willing heart. How willing is yours?
Click here to listen to this show!

Music for today's show:

Born To Be Wild Steppenwolf
Drugs OR Jesus Tim McGraw

Friday, November 7, 2008

Life is Short!

Eternal life is pretty darn long, but our days on this earth are quite limited. We blink and we’re adults. We blink again and we are parents. Another blink, and we’re already at mid-life or old age. The Bible tells us that this life is a breath or a mist. It passes quickly. During this walk, who do we need to love more? Do we appreciate that we may not have a tomorrow to make amends?

Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.
~Stephen Vincent Benét

Music for today's show:

“A Mother’s Prayer” By Melissa Manchester
“Life is Short” By Butterfly Boucher

Friday, October 31, 2008

Scary Stuff

What are you afraid of? How do you handle it? These are the two questions that I have been asking people this week. If you are afraid of something, you are not alone. No one I asked said “nothing.” The honest answers I got were heart rending. God asks us to walk with him from faith to faith, not from faith, to doubt, to unbelief, and then back to faith. We will spare ourselves much discomfort in the way of fear if we simply embrace his reassuring promises. God is in charge!

Music for today's show:
Unafraid by Joy Williams
I Will Not Be Afraid by Alvin Slaughter

Links from today's show:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Communicating to be Heard

When we really communicate, two (or more) people are involved. The other person must really hear and understand what we say in order for there to be true communication. Although we can’t control another’s response, we can do things to optimize the chances of getting a good one. A little self-control and forethought can go a long way toward producing a successful “meeting of the minds.” Even if we don’t get the response we are hoping for, we can sleep well knowing that we have done what we can, and done it well!

Music for today's show:
Talking in your sleep by The Romantics
Honesty by Billy Joel

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lisa and Chris' dogs

Every time I look into the eyes of my little dogs, I think that I can see a little of God’s loving nature. The love in their eyes is so sweet. When we walk out into the world, is that same sweetness showing in our own eyes? We may not be fuzzy or quite as cute as little pups, but we are more precious to our Father. Let’s fill up on His love so we can light up our corner of the world. Thanks God for all the reminders of your presence, and especially little puppies!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Resisting Temptation

What is so bad about being tempted? Well, temptation can lead to sin, or missing the mark. That doesn’t sound too bad so far, but sometimes we pay a very high price for failing to carefully assess our trajectory. Listen in today for motivation to nip in the bud our human tendency to court temptation. God has an offer for you and it’s one with strings. Maintaining a life line to our Creator is not only the source of ultimate peace, but supplies the wisdom and power we need to resist temptation!

Music for today's show:
Lyin' Eyes By the Eagles,
Shackles By Mary Mary

Mission to India

My daughter, Marina, is in Chennai, India this week. She is with a missions team from Kansas helping to relieve the many needs in this area. If you go to this link, you will see this team and can read about all they are doing for the many homeless and rejected people.

Streams of Mercy

In their culture, if you even have a family member with leprosy or contract AIDS, you are considered “less” than the “untouchables.” Small children are put out of their homes because they are HIV+. These children long for human touch and love. This team has been able to give just that, plus food, fun activities, and most importantly the message of God’s love to these poverty stricken, yet joyful people!

Thank you for caring team!

Lisa Ryan

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Flirting with Temptation!

There are lots of tempting things in this world: money, food, gossip, sex, power… What tempts you? None of us has a perfect record. Even Jesus, himself, was tempted. If we know that we have a weak area, what do we do to change that? Do we guard ourselves by protecting our hearts? Flirting with temptation is like standing with our toes over the edge of a cliff. If we fall, the price may be very high.

Music for today's show:
Careless Whisper By George Michael
Criminal By Fiona Apple

Please help us search for Kimberly on Sunday October 12


Missing Person: JACOBS, Kimberly Day
Age: 47
Height: 5'04"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Race: Caucasian
Clothing: Unknown
Distinguishing Characteristics: She walks with a limp w/ her foot bent in.

The missing person, who may be emotionally distraught, was last seen at her Apartment at the 2900 Block of Kalakaua Avenue, near Diamond Head, on Thursday, August 21, 2008 at about 7:45 p.m. Her family and friends are very concerned and have not seen or heard from her since.

Please help us search for Kimberly on Sunday October 12.

Meet at 5pm at St. Andrews parking Lot
Corner of Beretania & Alakea

If you have any information, please contact:


Friday, October 3, 2008


When was the last time you felt truly inspired? Hopefully, the answer is today, or better yet, right now! If not, what will you do about it? There are many ways to stir the embers of our hearts. It is from an inspired heart and mind that beauty flows. I always think of artists such as Michelangelo when I think of inspiration.

Michelangelo said: “Many believe, and I believe, that I have been designated for this work by God.”

Have you found your place in this world? A little inspiration can help!

Music for today's show:
The Prayer, Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli
Dream a Dream Charlotte Church & Billy Gilman

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Shattered Heart

Unfortunately, I know all about this topic. Fortunately, however, I also know God and how he redeems any situation. If your heart is broken, then take courage, for God is leading in front and guarding us in back. He says HE will NEVER abandon us. Moreover, he is very close to the broken hearted. He is the God who turns our wailing into laughter. My life is living evidence of this promise.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Scrutinizing Self-Talk

“I’m an idiot!”, “I can never make up my mind!”, “What a jerk!”, “I’m not too bright”, “I’m can’t think anymore”, etc., etc., etc. I’m sure YOU have never said such things to yourself! Well, maybe you have… you wouldn’t be alone. Why are we so unkind to ourselves? Is this ok with God? What does He have to say about us? It’s time to “line up” with our maker.

Article mentioned on today's show:
A Salute To Our U.S. Constitution
By Chuck Baldwin

Music for today's show:
Wash me, Lord, By Harvest
I got a name, Jim Croce
You are so beautiful to me, Joe Cocker

Friday, September 5, 2008

Drawing The Line At Abuse

If you were in an abusive relationship, would you even know it? That may seem like a silly question, but it isn’t. Many prior abuse victims state that they lost perspective in their relationship. They were unable to see how bad their own situation had become. Early warning signs are usually present. They must not be missed because the pattern of abuse usually escalates. There is help for the “trapped” feeling victim. Tune in today and hear Kalena tell why she remained in an abusive marriage for 26 years. Listen to the hopeful message that she will share!Music for today's show:

Music for today's show:
Cleopatra, Queen Of Denial by Pam Tilis
Haven’t Got Time For The Pain by Carly Simon

Friday, August 29, 2008

The EASY Way Out

Wow! I love avoiding hard work, don’t you? The “easy” way of handling life is not always so easy in the long run. For the most part, the way God asks us to approach life is not easy – at least not easy to our human nature. God has an eternal view of life! Sometimes, we humans don’t consider much past the moment. This can lead to some serious mistakes. This is why we need to listen to the One who sees our future. This is why we need to be wary of “the Easy Way Out

Friday, August 22, 2008

Seeing Ourselves Clearly

Mirrors are a good place to leave ourselves notes. We all spend time looking in them. Who do you see? Is it the real you? We all wear rose colored glasses from time to time. At other times, our glasses get dirty and give us a distorted picture. Either way we are inaccurate in our assessment. It’s good to check up on ourselves from time to time. I don’t want to spend time focused on “A”, when “B” is the real hold up in my life. Getting out the Windex has big payoffs! Give us your input! Leave your comments.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The No Lose Apology

How good are you at apologizing? Most of us could use a brush up lesson or two! Even though we cannot control the response to our apology, we can make sure we deliver an excellent one. This week we’ll discuss the “must have” components of a great apology. When a loss is irreparable, genuine remorse is frequently accepted as the only available compensation. Make sure you maximize your fence mending potential and put your best apology forward.

Music for today's show:
Your Winter by Sister Hazel
Forgive Me by Rebecca St. James

Friday, August 8, 2008

Managing the Heat of Life

The bible tells us that weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Life can hurt. How do we navigate the painful times? Is there anything we can do to speed up arrival at “the morning?” Well, of course. God never leaves us helpless. How we navigate hard spots and the way we “set” our minds can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Music for today's show:
Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warrens
Smooth by Santana

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to “Plan” a Live Show

As some would say here in Hawaii, NO CAN!

We had a great show last week that was filled with calls! So… this week, the “plan” is still to talk about The Wish to Escape. We’ll see if we get to it. Maybe we will just fill the hour with our callers’ concerns du jour! That’s the vision God planted in my heart, anyway. So, no worries about interrupting “The Plan.” Your call is the priority today and every day.

Do you ever wish you could just “see daylight” in all of life’s difficulties? Wouldn’t it be convenient to just head for the hills sometimes! Unfortunately, we can’t run, or we would be missing the very environment that God uses to mature us. God, in his Word says we are refined by fire. That sounds daunting, but we are not called to walk through the fire alone. Life is an amazing adventure. With God, it is more than we will ever imagine. We are one people on one planet, all affecting one another in a profound way. We must hold ground and keep believing for divine outcomes!

Music for today's show:

The Morning After
By Maureen McGovern
When You Believe By Mariah Carey

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Wish to Escape

A comedian once said, “Why can’t we just grow by playing tennis?” Really! Do you ever wish you could just fly away from life’s difficulties? Wouldn’t that be convenient! Unfortunately, we can’t run, or we would be missing the very environment that God uses to refine us. The Bible says we are refined by fire. That sounds daunting, but we are not called to walk through the fire alone. Life is an amazing adventure. With God, it is more than we will ever imagine. We are one people on one planet, all affecting one another in a profound way. We must keep believing for divine outcomes!

Music for today's show:
Fly Away, John Denver
Don't Stop Believin', Olivia Newton John (old version)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Standing in the Face of Tragedy

God tells us in His word that “all things work for good for those who love him.” Is that really true? What about tragedy is good? Aren’t we just white washing something terrible when we look for a silver lining? Or, is there really a silver lining? Light does shine through the dark. Meet two powerful women who are guests on this Friday’s program. The sister of a mall shooter and the mother of one of victims speak out together to tell how God has seen them through the last 15 months. They have chosen to STAND.
Click here to listen to this show!

Music for today's show:
Show Me The Way by STYX

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Danger Zone

In the book Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby and Claude King tell us that becoming an active part of God’s work will always cause a crisis of belief that requires faith and action. Crises are scary. Facing them takes us into the “danger zone” – a place that we cannot face alone. We must rely on God for our security. Know what? That is just what He desires – that we rest in Him. Our human nature wants to depend on what we can see and manage ourselves. We want a sure thing. Did you ever think that God wants us to know that HE is the only sure thing?

Music for today's show:
Safety Dance by Men Without Hats
Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Books for today's show:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Playing it Safe – What Would You Do if You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

Doesn’t it feel good to stay nice and cozy in your bed? Yeah, sure it does. Doesn’t it feel exhilarating to try something we have always wanted to try? You bet! I didn’t know if I could make it through medical school. I read slowly. I decided to try. One of the highlights of my life was and is walking across the stage when I graduated from medical school. I had dreamed of it since childhood. Tears streamed down my face with joy. God has big plans for us. He calls us to be what we were meant to be. We are to tap into our natural gifts. Knowing that we are acting on His direction nourishes the soul like nothing else. What is it that stirs your soul? Where is your passion? Do you live it out? Today, I’ll be encouraging you to do just that!!

Music on today's show:
Ready to Take a Chance by Barry Manilow
Calypso by John Denver

Books mentioned on today's show:

Friday, June 20, 2008

Get Over It

What exactly does the phase “get over it” mean? How do you “get over” a shattered heart or the betrayal of a friend? There are, believe it or not, easy to describe answers right inside your Bible. Applying them, however, requires intention and the help of God himself. Don’t lose heart when the burdens of life strike. Be prepared, and know how to watch out for the pitfalls that can entrap you. Tune in so you won’t miss learning about this important topic.

Talk YOUR Story airs live from Honolulu. Lisa Ryan wants people to know that it IS ok to talk about deep needs and feelings and that we are NOT alone in our struggles with life. It’s also important to know that God’s amazing word, the Bible, is packed with practical information that can help your life become all God intends it to be. His plans for you are not only exciting, but designed to impact the world!

Your purchase of the books mentioned on the show today from these links helps to support Talk YOUR Story.

Friday, June 6, 2008

What Does it Mean to “Take Care of Yourself”?

Live shows are a bit unpredictable. We got into some great topics with callers last week, but didn’t really talk yet about what it means to be nice to yourself! Maybe we’ll get there today! Really, it doesn’t matter which topic we’re on if we are sharing from the heart and considering God’s magnificent word. Tune in to listen and participate. We’re creating a connection point that is caring and honest, and you are invited today!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

How Nice RU 2U?

We have a new show time! It’s 2-3pm, Hawaii time! Join in the fun!!
(5pm Pacific time, 6pm Mountain time, 7pm Central time, 8pm Eastern time)

This week we will finish talking about how we can brush up on loving others the way Jesus did. Then, we’ll start into the interesting connection between loving others and loving ourselves. Really, we cannot truly love others if we won’t receive love. In order to receive love we must know we are worthy. It’s all about getting into agreement with God and being humble enough to fill up on love. God gives us all the choice about how we use our minds. He also gives us some pretty great suggestions. So many of us fall into the trap of being more kind to others than we are to ourselves. What’s that all about!! Listen this week and find out how you can live better by being nicer to yourself!

Your purchase of the books mentioned on the show today from these links helps to support Talk YOUR Story.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Christians Who Judge Too Well & Love Too Little!

What? Can this ever happen? Yeah, afraid so! As Christians, we are God’s representatives on earth. His intent is that we attract people to Him NOT repel people with our less than inviting presence! Christian’s are to be known for their love. Let’s stop the judgments that repel and brush up on loving even the unlovely! If God can love us all the time, we can learn to be just like Him. THAT is our wonderful calling!!

Your purchase of the books mentioned on the show today from
these links helps to support Talk YOUR Story.

The following video is about the paintings of 13-year-old prodigy Akiane
(pronounced: AH-KEEAH-NUH).

"I have been blessed by God. And if I'm blessed,
there is one reason and one reason only, and
that is to help others."

About Akiane:
• An internationally recognized 13-year-old
prodigy, considered the only known child
binary genius, in both realist painting and poetry.
• Selected as 1 of 20 most accomplished visual artists in the world by Tribute Entertainment (London) and ABI (United States).
• A best selling author of two books "Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry" and "My Dream is Bigger than I - Memories of Tomorrow"

Friday, May 16, 2008

An Entitled Attitude. Is It You?

Do you know someone with an entitled attitude? Is it you?

Have you ever felt like you were entitled to a promotion, a pay raise, or just acknowledgement for a job well done? What about when you did all the right things to get what you wanted and were let down anyway? Do you ever suffer from the disease called “I wanted it, but didn’t get it, so now I’m frustrated and miserable!”? (Long, yet descriptive name, huh?) Talk YOUR Story.

Lisa Ryan wants people to know that it IS ok to talk about deep needs and feelings and that we are NOT alone in our struggles with life. It’s also important to know that God’s amazing word, the Bible, is packed with practical information that can help your life become all God intends it to be. His plans for you are not only exciting, but designed to impact the world!

Turn on your radio to KGU Friday's at 2pm Hawaii Time or listen right from your desk to streaming live audio on the internet! Just go to, scroll to the bottom of the home page and click on Talk YOUR Story!

Call in to the studio and talk YOUR story with Dr. Ryan at (808) 296-5467.

We all need to stay humble so that we can keep learning – especially from God. On this program, sharing = giving. When you share YOUR story on the air, others find their own story in yours! Why not get some free honest feedback and encouragement while sharing your heart to benefit others. Propositions this good should not be passed up!

YOUR story counts!

May16th is the launch date of our new 1 hour format!
More time to TALK!
Don’t forget, 2:00pm, Hawaii Time.
(808) 296-5467

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aloha! Welcome to my blog

Aloha! Welcome to my blog Talk YOUR Story.

I am Dr. Lisa Ryan and I'm happy that you have visited my site. I will be writing here about the topic of the week for my radio show Talk YOUR Story.

I hope you will post your thoughts about these topics.

You can email me your questions using the "Contact Dr. Ryan" link on the right side of this page. I may answer you on the air. Please make sure your email reaches me by Thursday afternoon.

And don't forget to listen in to the show.

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